my wk was packed wif projs n choir..
on wed's nite almost everybody stayed awake..
in attemptin to finish up e projs..
coz we werent sure if ms khartini can postpone it..
we did until lik 1-2 plus den was practically too tired..
so started crappin n being lame on msn..
den ard 3 ppl started to surrender n off to slp..
i went off ard 330 bt only slept at 4..
eyes were shut bt mind bt active..
tis was e first time i stayed up till so late for a proj..
e lastest i burnt midnite oil for exams was till lik 2am only..
wats more tis is only an IS module..
omg cant believe wat i did..
fortunately it was postponed..
damn happy..
wen xiaolong msg durin choir say its pushed to e 27th..
which means i wont b present..
oh my..
i gotta c cher myself wen i'm back..
aww.. sounds awful..
n i cant c my grp's hardwk on e presentation day..
i cant c e other grp's fruit of labour toox..
its nt nice.. haiz..
if only it is held wen i'm back..
so on fri i rushed thru my reflections..
b4 goin for choir..
so i submitted alrd since e deadline is 2th oct..
ytd wasnt supposed to hav choir..
in e end still had..
lol.. den aft tat went dinner wif choir peeps..
came hm n packed my luggage..
today's e concert!!
i didnt sold a single tix..
gotta leave in an hrs time..
hope it doesnt drag till v late..
let us leave early..
tml i nd to wake early..
tonite cum hm oso duno wat time liao..
den bathe n dry hair..
shall b lik slpin only at 1am?
oh well..
mak sure i dun trip on my gown..
happy singing everybody=)
perth here i cum!!!
Sep 23, 2007
Sep 17, 2007
NEW phone=)) plus projs....
on sat gt a new hp..
coz my old stupid phone..
keep on screwing up..
sent 4 repair lik 5 times??
n yet stil goin crazy..
a new prob always surfaces..
so went to changed though only 1 yr..
had to pay xtra 100 bucks den..
den traded in e old wan..
so i paid lik 88 bucks..
pay for e 3G card somemore..
lol.. so it does cums up to ard 100..
its quite a old n simple model la..
bt e functions seem ok to mi..
n better than havin that stupid old fone..
aft tat went to meet weihao for movie..
watched The Invasion..
okok la e show..
except for e part wher tat virus tingy..
looks abit gross..
n weihao was bein so lame aft e movie..
tryin to imitate e movie stuffs..
AND its wahX2 18th bay!!!!
hahahaahhaha.. she can offically go clubbing liao..
dun nd secretly go or always go those underage wan only..
dun nd worry of bcumin old la..
old its stil a long way..
enjoy for all u can nw!!!
as for today..
met gaya,sha n jermaine at je ard 11..
n went to aljunied to meet justin n edward..
our TEAM MINANG proj!!!
hav been spendin e whole day in edward's house..nw den we're goin to start e video tink..
hahahaah.. hope nth screws up ltr..
it's 430pm alrd..
ltr if daddy ends earlier than mi..
den i got to tak another hr of train ride hm..
i dun wan!!
i wan daddy to fetch mi..
aljunied is so so far frm my hm!!!
n i gotta finish my 500 words of reflection by tis wk..
since e deadline is 2 oct which is e day tat i'll b back..
wher got time to go n do n hand in den..
muz finish n pass it to sha on sun..
lucky he joined choir so can pass to him..
my script looks kind of short though..
bt i cant seem to rmb it..
ltr gotta keep on NG-ing..
its seems quite cool our presentation..
gona start our Team Minang reporting liao..
jia you everybody!!!
so in e end we wrapped up lik ard 7 plus..
den we were decidin between goin imm,town or vivo..
majority were for imm..
bt justin doesnt wan coz he lives juz nearby aljunied..
hahahahaha.. while e rest of us r frm e west area..
we attempted takin a cab to town..
bt e taxi drivers wouldnt allow us 5 in..
we didnt wan to split a taxi either..
so 66 came n we juz dragged justin up..
n off we head to IMM=)
so near my hm..
wen we reached it was li 9pm alrd..
quickly went to hav our dinner at secret recipe..
den went hm ard 10..
waited so long for my 99..
n its juz 1 stop!!!
hahha.. lame..
den 2 99 came tgt..
no wonder la..
stupid buses..
coz my old stupid phone..
keep on screwing up..
sent 4 repair lik 5 times??
n yet stil goin crazy..
a new prob always surfaces..
so went to changed though only 1 yr..
had to pay xtra 100 bucks den..
den traded in e old wan..
so i paid lik 88 bucks..
pay for e 3G card somemore..
lol.. so it does cums up to ard 100..
its quite a old n simple model la..
bt e functions seem ok to mi..
n better than havin that stupid old fone..
aft tat went to meet weihao for movie..
watched The Invasion..
okok la e show..
except for e part wher tat virus tingy..
looks abit gross..
n weihao was bein so lame aft e movie..
tryin to imitate e movie stuffs..
AND its wahX2 18th bay!!!!
hahahaahhaha.. she can offically go clubbing liao..
dun nd secretly go or always go those underage wan only..
dun nd worry of bcumin old la..
old its stil a long way..
enjoy for all u can nw!!!
as for today..
met gaya,sha n jermaine at je ard 11..
n went to aljunied to meet justin n edward..
our TEAM MINANG proj!!!
hav been spendin e whole day in edward's house..nw den we're goin to start e video tink..
hahahaah.. hope nth screws up ltr..
it's 430pm alrd..
ltr if daddy ends earlier than mi..
den i got to tak another hr of train ride hm..
i dun wan!!
i wan daddy to fetch mi..
aljunied is so so far frm my hm!!!
n i gotta finish my 500 words of reflection by tis wk..
since e deadline is 2 oct which is e day tat i'll b back..
wher got time to go n do n hand in den..
muz finish n pass it to sha on sun..
lucky he joined choir so can pass to him..
my script looks kind of short though..
bt i cant seem to rmb it..
ltr gotta keep on NG-ing..
its seems quite cool our presentation..
gona start our Team Minang reporting liao..
jia you everybody!!!
so in e end we wrapped up lik ard 7 plus..
den we were decidin between goin imm,town or vivo..
majority were for imm..
bt justin doesnt wan coz he lives juz nearby aljunied..
hahahahaha.. while e rest of us r frm e west area..
we attempted takin a cab to town..
bt e taxi drivers wouldnt allow us 5 in..
we didnt wan to split a taxi either..
so 66 came n we juz dragged justin up..
n off we head to IMM=)
so near my hm..
wen we reached it was li 9pm alrd..
quickly went to hav our dinner at secret recipe..
den went hm ard 10..
waited so long for my 99..
n its juz 1 stop!!!
hahha.. lame..
den 2 99 came tgt..
no wonder la..
stupid buses..
Sep 13, 2007
choir choir choir.....
aft reachin hm at 11+ on sun..
e followin day had choir at SP frm 10am-10pm
luckily it ended earlier..
bt it was really a waste of time havin so many breaks here n ther..
tue went out wif daddy..
bot shoes n necklace..
n book n cd..
n food food food..
no wonder i put on weight!!!
despite all e walkings in m'sia..
den went off for choir again..
wed met for e post wotkshop..
cher ordered pizza for us=)
den spent lik 3-4 hrs doin e essay n stuffs..
den went over to SP for choir again..
really ended at 10pm..
finally today no choir..
goin out to find choir shoe ltr..
i better find wan which will mak my gown dun touch e floor..
i dun wan n m lazy to alter e gown..
aft such a long long time today i can slp until 11am=)
till nw still haven unpacked my luggage..
n tml's is e results day!!!!
hope for e best..
n aft tat stil hav choir again..
n gotta prepare for ass nite too..
haiz.. haiz.. luckily tml no nd go SP..
dey cancelled it^-^
e followin day had choir at SP frm 10am-10pm
luckily it ended earlier..
bt it was really a waste of time havin so many breaks here n ther..
tue went out wif daddy..
bot shoes n necklace..
n book n cd..
n food food food..
no wonder i put on weight!!!
despite all e walkings in m'sia..
den went off for choir again..
wed met for e post wotkshop..
cher ordered pizza for us=)
den spent lik 3-4 hrs doin e essay n stuffs..
den went over to SP for choir again..
really ended at 10pm..
finally today no choir..
goin out to find choir shoe ltr..
i better find wan which will mak my gown dun touch e floor..
i dun wan n m lazy to alter e gown..
aft such a long long time today i can slp until 11am=)
till nw still haven unpacked my luggage..
n tml's is e results day!!!!
hope for e best..
n aft tat stil hav choir again..
n gotta prepare for ass nite too..
haiz.. haiz.. luckily tml no nd go SP..
dey cancelled it^-^
end of "war"
went for a wk to negeri sembilan
not as bad as expected
luckily met no hairy big spider lik wat ms k said
only sha n jermaine saw one in their rm hoppin v fast.. haha
e hse we stayed in had 7 big cats & 3 kittens..
wher e cats lik to cum into our rm n slp on our bed
besides e daily new discovery of insects in our rm,
e lack of heater to bathe n flushin system,
n aircon in e rm..
everytink else was ok..
on e day we went ard interviewin ppl..
was really a hot hot super hot day..
wher we walked ard everywhere both in n out of e kampong ON FOOT
damn tiring..
went to justin's hse n played pokemon version of monopoly..
den had river trekkin..
on e sand n water went into my shoe..
bcame so heavy n diff to walk..
lucky i ran away fast otherwise wld hav been kena sabotage
n into the pool-like water..
n 3 guys gt bitten by leeches in tat pool..
we were forced to put some clay-lik tink on our face too..
again i managed to run away frm e guys sabo..
den ther was once wen we were walkin on foot hm wif sha n edward..
n we met buffaloes!!!
hahah their horns were intidimating..
so we hid behind some bushes
while dey kept lookin at us n so did we..
luckiy they went into e forest so we quietly n slowly went pass
during cutlural nite.. everybody was so united..
to go n wear bahju kurong(whichever u spell it)
coz wen we went ther only gaya n mi were wearin tat..
so pai seh can..
our "mum" forced us to wear it..
n i took bike wif "mum", dun nd wera helmet wan wor..
n met e buffaloes again..
but she juz horned at them n dey juz crossed e road lo..
haha.. tinkin abt it we seemed to b so stupid hiding in e bushes..
better b safe than sry..
how wld we know if they'll charged at us or smth?
we oso went our to town twice for some shoppin.,
bot donuts=)
den bot a bag.. quite cheap
wen i was finding stuffs for my parents..
i kept seeing things suitable for my bro only..
oh ya.. 1 of e nite, gaya n i spent e whole nite tokin
till lik 3 n slept only for 4+ hrs.. haha
at 1 pt in time we suddenly tok too loud or laughed too loud..
until "mum" who was sleepin in e living rm said smth lik "tidur la"..
n "mum" every morn liks to cum into our rm n ask us wat time go balai rayer
n up wakin us up b4 its our time to wake up..
once she came in to asked us off e lites..
coz we slept wif e nites on..
haha.. if u off e lites it completely pitch dark..
e first nite aft i off e lites i couldnt c wher was e bed man..
on e last nite.. ther was a mock weddin..
haha n we had to performed..
my item was e dance..
n its was hilarious wen wenli's plate dropped..
bt i was at fault too..
tink i bumped into her hand or smth..
den ther was 2 special items..
was a fun nite.. ended only at 12am..
on e last day we went over to kenneth's hse n played cards wif my grp n him..
den went hm for lunch..
juz as we were abt to leave e hse..
"mum" asked us to wear the bahju kurong again..
den we were lik HUH??
we r goin off alrd eh..
lucky kenneth came over so he tried callin cher..
e TV3 ppl came over to our hse wif alot of others..
dey kept askin us to sit sit n eat..
den tak pic
bt dey oso didnt took any pic.. juz keep filmin duno wat..
so finally kenneth said we really nd to go otherwise will b late for e train
den dey let us went..
everyday we will walk to balai rayer to n fro for duno how many times..
wher it takes 20 mins each time..
we did alot of walkin man..
only at nite den we took a ride frm e guy's family..
i wouldnt wan to walk at nite wif no street lights..
e food were spicy n i juz tried to eat some lo..
if too spicy den i'll eat e others or pass to gaya..
didnt even had a chance to tak another pic wif "mum"..
luckily took 1 on e cultural nite liao..
on e train we had a exhilarating monopoly game again..
we went to e cafeteria as its e only place tat had tables..
den 6 ppl squeezed into 4 chairs.. haha
den e cafeteria had no air-con so we were perspiring as e game goes on
aft we had "partnership" wher jermaine, justin & cong kai were tgt
n gaya, edward & mi as 1..
den e game was so so exciting..
wif e game's new rule of throwing double 6s enables u to tak over someone's property
we kept takin away one another's property..
so cant contd to build hse & hotels..
justin was biting his thumb away as e game reached its climax..
wen one lands onto a property e penalty is in 1000s ok..
den as we were reachin JB we had to stop e game..
it was a gd wan indeed..
we played for lik 4 hrs..
omg.. a super long wan=)
den e train was delayed in schedule..
so daddy n mummy waited in e station for 2 hrs..
so tis is e end of my vacation module trip..
e final presentation is on the 21th..
everytink goes well n i'll b down wif a module=)
not as bad as expected
luckily met no hairy big spider lik wat ms k said
only sha n jermaine saw one in their rm hoppin v fast.. haha
e hse we stayed in had 7 big cats & 3 kittens..
wher e cats lik to cum into our rm n slp on our bed
besides e daily new discovery of insects in our rm,
e lack of heater to bathe n flushin system,
n aircon in e rm..
everytink else was ok..
on e day we went ard interviewin ppl..
was really a hot hot super hot day..
wher we walked ard everywhere both in n out of e kampong ON FOOT
damn tiring..
went to justin's hse n played pokemon version of monopoly..
den had river trekkin..
on e sand n water went into my shoe..
bcame so heavy n diff to walk..
lucky i ran away fast otherwise wld hav been kena sabotage
n into the pool-like water..
n 3 guys gt bitten by leeches in tat pool..
we were forced to put some clay-lik tink on our face too..
again i managed to run away frm e guys sabo..
den ther was once wen we were walkin on foot hm wif sha n edward..
n we met buffaloes!!!
hahah their horns were intidimating..
so we hid behind some bushes
while dey kept lookin at us n so did we..
luckiy they went into e forest so we quietly n slowly went pass
during cutlural nite.. everybody was so united..
to go n wear bahju kurong(whichever u spell it)
coz wen we went ther only gaya n mi were wearin tat..
so pai seh can..
our "mum" forced us to wear it..
n i took bike wif "mum", dun nd wera helmet wan wor..
n met e buffaloes again..
but she juz horned at them n dey juz crossed e road lo..
haha.. tinkin abt it we seemed to b so stupid hiding in e bushes..
better b safe than sry..
how wld we know if they'll charged at us or smth?
we oso went our to town twice for some shoppin.,
bot donuts=)
den bot a bag.. quite cheap
wen i was finding stuffs for my parents..
i kept seeing things suitable for my bro only..
oh ya.. 1 of e nite, gaya n i spent e whole nite tokin
till lik 3 n slept only for 4+ hrs.. haha
at 1 pt in time we suddenly tok too loud or laughed too loud..
until "mum" who was sleepin in e living rm said smth lik "tidur la"..
n "mum" every morn liks to cum into our rm n ask us wat time go balai rayer
n up wakin us up b4 its our time to wake up..
once she came in to asked us off e lites..
coz we slept wif e nites on..
haha.. if u off e lites it completely pitch dark..
e first nite aft i off e lites i couldnt c wher was e bed man..
on e last nite.. ther was a mock weddin..
haha n we had to performed..
my item was e dance..
n its was hilarious wen wenli's plate dropped..
bt i was at fault too..
tink i bumped into her hand or smth..
den ther was 2 special items..
was a fun nite.. ended only at 12am..
on e last day we went over to kenneth's hse n played cards wif my grp n him..
den went hm for lunch..
juz as we were abt to leave e hse..
"mum" asked us to wear the bahju kurong again..
den we were lik HUH??
we r goin off alrd eh..
lucky kenneth came over so he tried callin cher..
e TV3 ppl came over to our hse wif alot of others..
dey kept askin us to sit sit n eat..
den tak pic
bt dey oso didnt took any pic.. juz keep filmin duno wat..
so finally kenneth said we really nd to go otherwise will b late for e train
den dey let us went..
everyday we will walk to balai rayer to n fro for duno how many times..
wher it takes 20 mins each time..
we did alot of walkin man..
only at nite den we took a ride frm e guy's family..
i wouldnt wan to walk at nite wif no street lights..
e food were spicy n i juz tried to eat some lo..
if too spicy den i'll eat e others or pass to gaya..
didnt even had a chance to tak another pic wif "mum"..
luckily took 1 on e cultural nite liao..
on e train we had a exhilarating monopoly game again..
we went to e cafeteria as its e only place tat had tables..
den 6 ppl squeezed into 4 chairs.. haha
den e cafeteria had no air-con so we were perspiring as e game goes on
aft we had "partnership" wher jermaine, justin & cong kai were tgt
n gaya, edward & mi as 1..
den e game was so so exciting..
wif e game's new rule of throwing double 6s enables u to tak over someone's property
we kept takin away one another's property..
so cant contd to build hse & hotels..
justin was biting his thumb away as e game reached its climax..
wen one lands onto a property e penalty is in 1000s ok..
den as we were reachin JB we had to stop e game..
it was a gd wan indeed..
we played for lik 4 hrs..
omg.. a super long wan=)
den e train was delayed in schedule..
so daddy n mummy waited in e station for 2 hrs..
so tis is e end of my vacation module trip..
e final presentation is on the 21th..
everytink goes well n i'll b down wif a module=)
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