just reborned hair again..
n cut it..
really cut!!! longer than yu's..
bt much shorter than previously..
4 hrs stuck in e salon..
nvm i'm happy wif my hair :)
Dec 7, 2009
sem 1 exams are over
has fm on wed..
n only had 2 hrs of pathetic slp..
though i still didnt study finish..
bt must go slp le,
if nt ltr i slp/ cant conc. durin e paper..
my fm was lik shit..
wen i tried 1 past yr paper
aft gg thru e tuts.
titally demoralised can!
so many dunno how to do..
can say its pratically all lor!!
i didnt even finish up somemore..
reached q4 den left e last one
and went to look thru e notes le coz it was gg 2am liao
e mcq i c alrd wan faint..
somemore e ans that ppl passed ard.
its no workings one but only final ans..
n e one frm yl and ky some diff one!
i c alrd more gong..
haiz it was a torture studyin that!!!
somemore b4 that had blaw exam..
lucky its in e morn..
if nt rally can die studyin for fm..
bt still, by e time i start studyin for fm..
alrd 2pm..
still went to print past yr papers..
for those i hav e ans..
end up only attempt 1..
uni really diff frm poly..
past papers must find urself..
ans must get it urself..
depends if ur cher will go thru anot..
no workings..
no model ans..
tis really sucks lor..
in e end my fm nt enuf time to finish..
alot i duno hw to do so left blank..
wanted to go back ntry ltr..
den 2 hrs time up..
aft fm, went wif yl,rach,brenda n jy in her bf's car
to S3 collect our blaw..
den go jp meet yu!!
ate pepperlnuch n KBOX :)
haiz wen we went ther full hse..
had to wait outside..
den 5pm kena chased le..
so went to lib to "research" for our taiwan..
haha.. den had mee sua frm shilin..
den icecream, sorbet, chawanmushi & sushi from ichiban :)
thur we went JB citysq!!!
yes yes!! my parents allowed!!
hahaha :)
had marry brown's chicken n drank bubble tea frm coolblog..
sat on e swing chair so fun..
den shop shop shopped at e innercity
and met tianhao ther!
so qiao can..
he saw me first den over ther "yo"
haha super funny..
den 2 hrs we're done wif shoppin..
bot tee, blouse, flip-flop, cardi, our photo keychain..
den we went upstairs and saw Neway!!!
we spore students oso got discount..
end up S$7.50 per pax..
sang happy happy to 6 plus den gotta go back le...
e peanut butter french toast bread not bad too..
hahaha.. only e drinks v sweeetttt....
n only had 2 hrs of pathetic slp..
though i still didnt study finish..
bt must go slp le,
if nt ltr i slp/ cant conc. durin e paper..
my fm was lik shit..
wen i tried 1 past yr paper
aft gg thru e tuts.
titally demoralised can!
so many dunno how to do..
can say its pratically all lor!!
i didnt even finish up somemore..
reached q4 den left e last one
and went to look thru e notes le coz it was gg 2am liao
e mcq i c alrd wan faint..
somemore e ans that ppl passed ard.
its no workings one but only final ans..
n e one frm yl and ky some diff one!
i c alrd more gong..
haiz it was a torture studyin that!!!
somemore b4 that had blaw exam..
lucky its in e morn..
if nt rally can die studyin for fm..
bt still, by e time i start studyin for fm..
alrd 2pm..
still went to print past yr papers..
for those i hav e ans..
end up only attempt 1..
uni really diff frm poly..
past papers must find urself..
ans must get it urself..
depends if ur cher will go thru anot..
no workings..
no model ans..
tis really sucks lor..
in e end my fm nt enuf time to finish..
alot i duno hw to do so left blank..
wanted to go back ntry ltr..
den 2 hrs time up..
aft fm, went wif yl,rach,brenda n jy in her bf's car
to S3 collect our blaw..
den go jp meet yu!!
ate pepperlnuch n KBOX :)
haiz wen we went ther full hse..
had to wait outside..
den 5pm kena chased le..
so went to lib to "research" for our taiwan..
haha.. den had mee sua frm shilin..
den icecream, sorbet, chawanmushi & sushi from ichiban :)
thur we went JB citysq!!!
yes yes!! my parents allowed!!
hahaha :)
had marry brown's chicken n drank bubble tea frm coolblog..
sat on e swing chair so fun..
den shop shop shopped at e innercity
and met tianhao ther!
so qiao can..
he saw me first den over ther "yo"
haha super funny..
den 2 hrs we're done wif shoppin..
bot tee, blouse, flip-flop, cardi, our photo keychain..
den we went upstairs and saw Neway!!!
we spore students oso got discount..
end up S$7.50 per pax..
sang happy happy to 6 plus den gotta go back le...
e peanut butter french toast bread not bad too..
hahaha.. only e drinks v sweeetttt....
Nov 6, 2009
1 week of sch left..
done wif IT and Fm presentation :)
finally i dun hav to stay back at 1030 on wed.
n neither go back durin on free day on fri.
left wif blaw assignment in class-tue,
comm.fund oral assessment 2-wed,
FM quiz 5-thur.
and time to study for IT!!!
but first!
faster come out wif my oa2 man!
wat to talkk abt??
fasteer tink tink tink.
still got 2 fm tuts.
3 chpts of fm.
oa2 topic n slidesn lines.
and sat hav impre ext. publicity,
so ther goes a day.
mon is mummy's bday! :)
time indeed does really fly in a blink of eye!
seriously, there isnt a wk wher i wont hav any quiz/assessment/presentation/proj.
i just nd to survive 1 more wk of sch.
den 2&1/2 wks of study & exams.
and i'll be freeeeseeeee :) :) :)
p/s: wah's As starting mon. jia you dear!
finally i dun hav to stay back at 1030 on wed.
n neither go back durin on free day on fri.
left wif blaw assignment in class-tue,
comm.fund oral assessment 2-wed,
FM quiz 5-thur.
and time to study for IT!!!
but first!
faster come out wif my oa2 man!
wat to talkk abt??
fasteer tink tink tink.
still got 2 fm tuts.
3 chpts of fm.
oa2 topic n slidesn lines.
and sat hav impre ext. publicity,
so ther goes a day.
mon is mummy's bday! :)
time indeed does really fly in a blink of eye!
seriously, there isnt a wk wher i wont hav any quiz/assessment/presentation/proj.
i just nd to survive 1 more wk of sch.
den 2&1/2 wks of study & exams.
and i'll be freeeeseeeee :) :) :)
p/s: wah's As starting mon. jia you dear!
Nov 1, 2009
oh my..
i stared at e OA2 qns for hrs..
n my blank is just blank can!
wat on earth m i doin la?
wasting my precious time..
i really duno wat i can do man..
wats more to talk abt it..
oh shit!!
and i just realised nxt sat got Impre tingy..
and i hav to do up tis OA2 tink..
plus study for FM last quiz!!
3 chpts!!
n i did terribly bad in my last 2 quiz can..
its nt helpin me in my exams in anyway lor..
i'm so dead..
pls pls pls study n work hard!!!
i really nd to do well for e remaning graded stuffs..
2 more wks of sch only...
tis is seriously fast lik nobody's biz..
pls do more productive worktml today..
its sunday alrd.. arrrgh :X
i stared at e OA2 qns for hrs..
n my blank is just blank can!
wat on earth m i doin la?
wasting my precious time..
i really duno wat i can do man..
wats more to talk abt it..
oh shit!!
and i just realised nxt sat got Impre tingy..
and i hav to do up tis OA2 tink..
plus study for FM last quiz!!
3 chpts!!
n i did terribly bad in my last 2 quiz can..
its nt helpin me in my exams in anyway lor..
i'm so dead..
pls pls pls study n work hard!!!
i really nd to do well for e remaning graded stuffs..
2 more wks of sch only...
tis is seriously fast lik nobody's biz..
pls do more productive work
its sunday alrd.. arrrgh :X
Oct 31, 2009
yea i survived a wk alone!!
jap fds for me :)
time really passes v fast wif all e projs man..
IT gonna b done on MON!
FM postponed, duno gd or bad.
bt no more presentation for e report,
is DEFN good :)
BUT nxt wk's quiz is postponed to last wk..
lol den hw to review e paper?
exactly 1 wk aft fm last quiz is..
oh no man..
so fast~~~
and e comm fund OA2 topic is even more shitty
i dun wan to imagine man..
haiz why on earth come out wif this topic man..
less than a mth to exams..
1 mth 2 days to freedom..
less than 2 mths to my hmtown :)
i nd to jia you!!
finish up projs..
and study for exams!
jap fds for me :)
time really passes v fast wif all e projs man..
IT gonna b done on MON!
FM postponed, duno gd or bad.
bt no more presentation for e report,
is DEFN good :)
BUT nxt wk's quiz is postponed to last wk..
lol den hw to review e paper?
exactly 1 wk aft fm last quiz is..
oh no man..
so fast~~~
and e comm fund OA2 topic is even more shitty
i dun wan to imagine man..
haiz why on earth come out wif this topic man..
less than a mth to exams..
1 mth 2 days to freedom..
less than 2 mths to my hmtown :)
i nd to jia you!!
finish up projs..
and study for exams!
Oct 24, 2009
there goes my wkends again packed wif..
IT and FM proj..
FM makeup..
mock interview on wed..
FM quiz & presentation on thur..
IT meetin on fri..
FM and IT deadline..
IT presentation..
FM quiz..
FM presentation..
oral assessment 2..
IT exam!
blaw exam!
FM exam!
-------cant wait for here 2 DEC 09 1130 00am------
IT and FM proj..
FM makeup..
mock interview on wed..
FM quiz & presentation on thur..
IT meetin on fri..
FM and IT deadline..
IT presentation..
FM quiz..
FM presentation..
oral assessment 2..
IT exam!
blaw exam!
FM exam!
-------cant wait for here 2 DEC 09 11
Oct 17, 2009
another crap
oh e comm, fund oral assessment 1 is...
horrible, terrible, vegeta-ble man!
neither of the topics on singlish..
seems appealing to me..
hw my i supposed to prepare my slides n speech..
and plus all e watever attention-grabber opening n closing..
transition markers and stuffs to input inside e presentation!!
reading the "online-drama" of sixlives doesnt helps either!
i rather sit for exams on this module..
than to hav these on-going graded assessments..
*fingers-crossed for my IT & comm.fund presentations on wed*
horrible, terrible, vegeta-ble man!
neither of the topics on singlish..
seems appealing to me..
hw my i supposed to prepare my slides n speech..
and plus all e watever attention-grabber opening n closing..
transition markers and stuffs to input inside e presentation!!
reading the "online-drama" of sixlives doesnt helps either!
i rather sit for exams on this module..
than to hav these on-going graded assessments..
*fingers-crossed for my IT & comm.fund presentations on wed*
Oct 1, 2009
ending of recess wk..
oh no no no.. hw come so fast its thur alrd??
i still not done wif blaw assignment.
duno our fm article cher will approve anot.
haven start access database proj.
haven start on biz plan.
just finished my part on IT case study only.
spent e whole day lik frm 1 to 10.
just keep readin e vulnerabilty part.
readin e qns.
figuring out wat e qns is askin
(n i really hope i nv misinterprete it)*fingers crossed*
i tink i spent n wasted most time on tat BLAW la!!!
still nd to study for comm. fund written test.
oh my.
tml's fri!!
its not TGIF..
i rather pls giv me another thur.
actually partly is cos i wasted my wed.
i did 1 pathetic part of e blaw.
n off i went out alrd.
met ck first den pelegong peeps.
went to hav sakura buffet.
oh n so qiao, saw xavien at sommerset
just as we were just "talkin" on fb earlier on.
den in sakura, e grp of table nxt to us.
hav my IT and FM classmate, andy.
aft tt we went cathay to acc dolly get her stuffs.
and went zouk.
tink i drank more beer in e end.
cos of that free bucket.lols.
we stayed till 330 lik tt n left.
dolly n fren left for soccer le.
so shared cab wif ck n ernest.
finally 5 plus fell alslp..
den 6 plus woke again wen my mum woke.
den 7 plus duno dad or mum opened my door,
woke again.
den yu msg me so talked till 830+ den slp.
THEN ard 10 plus upstairs was drilling n knocking away..
den i wake up alrd la at 11.. stupid..
so sleepy :X
i still not done wif blaw assignment.
duno our fm article cher will approve anot.
haven start access database proj.
haven start on biz plan.
just finished my part on IT case study only.
spent e whole day lik frm 1 to 10.
just keep readin e vulnerabilty part.
readin e qns.
figuring out wat e qns is askin
(n i really hope i nv misinterprete it)*fingers crossed*
i tink i spent n wasted most time on tat BLAW la!!!
still nd to study for comm. fund written test.
oh my.
tml's fri!!
its not TGIF..
i rather pls giv me another thur.
actually partly is cos i wasted my wed.
i did 1 pathetic part of e blaw.
n off i went out alrd.
met ck first den pelegong peeps.
went to hav sakura buffet.
oh n so qiao, saw xavien at sommerset
just as we were just "talkin" on fb earlier on.
den in sakura, e grp of table nxt to us.
hav my IT and FM classmate, andy.
aft tt we went cathay to acc dolly get her stuffs.
and went zouk.
tink i drank more beer in e end.
cos of that free bucket.lols.
we stayed till 330 lik tt n left.
dolly n fren left for soccer le.
so shared cab wif ck n ernest.
finally 5 plus fell alslp..
den 6 plus woke again wen my mum woke.
den 7 plus duno dad or mum opened my door,
woke again.
den yu msg me so talked till 830+ den slp.
THEN ard 10 plus upstairs was drilling n knocking away..
den i wake up alrd la at 11.. stupid..
so sleepy :X
Sep 28, 2009
today is a shitty day..
1) spent lik 4 hrs just reading e blaw case to n fro..
2) spent another 1 hr or so finding out e chim-mi-logy terms of e IT case..
3) still-in-progress of finding fm articles..
so far, only 2 pathetic ones that i tink can link to our syallbus..
bt e articles are quite short.. so lik tt may nt hav enuf things to write abt it..
BUT today i poured out quite a num of things to chi..
hahaha.. e feeling aft tat is much better..(thou i duno why)
i miss her! nvm her bday nxt wk so = can meet her :)
love u girl!!
1) spent lik 4 hrs just reading e blaw case to n fro..
2) spent another 1 hr or so finding out e chim-mi-logy terms of e IT case..
3) still-in-progress of finding fm articles..
so far, only 2 pathetic ones that i tink can link to our syallbus..
bt e articles are quite short.. so lik tt may nt hav enuf things to write abt it..
BUT today i poured out quite a num of things to chi..
hahaha.. e feeling aft tat is much better..(thou i duno why)
i miss her! nvm her bday nxt wk so = can meet her :)
love u girl!!
christmas in HK :)
aft i get over wif these tons of work n quizzes..
n lastly exams..
so pls work hard and stop procastinating.
driving still goes on and on oso..
n means its gettin nearer too..
jia you!
n lastly exams..
so pls work hard and stop procastinating.
driving still goes on and on oso..
n means its gettin nearer too..
jia you!
ARR!!! i cant find any relevant fm article tats aft jul 09!!!!!
stupid recess week..
i rather dun hav it n dun giv me those projs n assignments..
esp blaw la.. 2000 word report on 1 case??
i can just faint b4 tt..
plus IT's chim-ness in tt case study..
oh hope i faster get over with these projs and presentations..
i truly miss poly man..
stupid recess week..
i rather dun hav it n dun giv me those projs n assignments..
esp blaw la.. 2000 word report on 1 case??
i can just faint b4 tt..
plus IT's chim-ness in tt case study..
oh hope i faster get over with these projs and presentations..
i truly miss poly man..
Sep 22, 2009
goin back sch on a public holi =(
met for IT proj in sch today..
on a P.H...
how nice yea..
hahahha bt in e end still quite productive (:
we almost finished it liaos..
hee hee..
den ard 5 plus..
ck kept asking me to go for e gathering..
bt i didnt knw wat time will i end..
i dun wan to leave 1st w/o finishin e proj..
they were supposed to meet at farrer pk at 6...
hahha bt i was still in sch at lik 530..
ok lar.. last min decided to went la..
we left tgt..
den i went lakeside..
bt den lik ard 6 liao!
den met ck..
and ernest drove..
cool.. left my laptop inside (:
hee hee..
aft tt we walked over to mustafa..
and was finding high n low for e rest..
aft tt ck called kenneth..
bt den passed e hp to me..
and kenneth passed his hp to justin..
lols.. super funny.. hahah..
so dumb la..
we were seachin inside..
while they were standing outside!!
so met dolly, wenli, kenneth and justin..
den went to had dimsum for dinner..
den aft tt we all squeezed into ernest's car..
and went marina sq..
and watched Blood Ties..
den aft tt tok a lift back to e 99 busstop..
reached hm 12am liao..
so fast..
another day gone..
hahah cool hur.. meetin them 2 times within a mth sia..
on a P.H...
how nice yea..
hahahha bt in e end still quite productive (:
we almost finished it liaos..
hee hee..
den ard 5 plus..
ck kept asking me to go for e gathering..
bt i didnt knw wat time will i end..
i dun wan to leave 1st w/o finishin e proj..
they were supposed to meet at farrer pk at 6...
hahha bt i was still in sch at lik 530..
ok lar.. last min decided to went la..
we left tgt..
den i went lakeside..
bt den lik ard 6 liao!
den met ck..
and ernest drove..
cool.. left my laptop inside (:
hee hee..
aft tt we walked over to mustafa..
and was finding high n low for e rest..
aft tt ck called kenneth..
bt den passed e hp to me..
and kenneth passed his hp to justin..
lols.. super funny.. hahah..
so dumb la..
we were seachin inside..
while they were standing outside!!
so met dolly, wenli, kenneth and justin..
den went to had dimsum for dinner..
den aft tt we all squeezed into ernest's car..
and went marina sq..
and watched Blood Ties..
den aft tt tok a lift back to e 99 busstop..
reached hm 12am liao..
so fast..
another day gone..
hahah cool hur.. meetin them 2 times within a mth sia..
Sep 13, 2009
sch sch sch :X
anw, met up wif yu, chi n wah!!!
aft fm on thur.. went over to jp..
i kept askin yu abt her drivin test..
until i ate so slow.. haha
chi still over ther time me..
haha den went shops to shops..
got wah's bday present..
n so happen she's comin over too!!
today oso met wah at bb mac..
on a study date..
i kept lookin at my fm slides n tb..
slides n tb..
n still so blur..
n projs projs projs all piling up : (
oh oh n caught danceflick too ytd..
n e person still wana chk my IC..
bt wasnt tt nice anw..
lol.. mayb i shld juz stick to my original plan..
n watch time traveller's wife..
since it seems well-rated by wah n liwen..
anw, met up wif yu, chi n wah!!!
aft fm on thur.. went over to jp..
i kept askin yu abt her drivin test..
until i ate so slow.. haha
chi still over ther time me..
haha den went shops to shops..
got wah's bday present..
n so happen she's comin over too!!
today oso met wah at bb mac..
on a study date..
i kept lookin at my fm slides n tb..
slides n tb..
n still so blur..
n projs projs projs all piling up : (
oh oh n caught danceflick too ytd..
n e person still wana chk my IC..
bt wasnt tt nice anw..
lol.. mayb i shld juz stick to my original plan..
n watch time traveller's wife..
since it seems well-rated by wah n liwen..
Sep 7, 2009
pelegong gathering aft ages..
finally met up wif them..
hahaha e last few times i always had smth on..
bt in e end.. e 2 who always goes; justin & dolly..
cant mak it..
met at cityhall..
st reached 1st..
den ck & his fren ernest..
den wen li..
aft tt went to ate at swensens..
hahah duno why my baked rice soooo longgg...
wen wenli's one didnt took tat long..
they all started eating liao..
except st and ernest waiting...
until mine came..
so nice hur..
ltr their food all cold liao lors..
den aft tt was deciding wat to do..
ponder ponder..
den went bowling..
hahaha bt i didnt play..
played 1 rd liao den kenneth came..
so they played another round..
and kenneth over ther secretly eatin a burger..
wa ck and ernest power sia in bowling..
den we went to esplande to tak grp pics..
st still climbed up e pole for better view..
den took train back wif wenli k and ernest..
cos wenli gg back ntu..
thou only a small num of us met up..
bt still its nice meetin each other once again (:
hahaha e last few times i always had smth on..
bt in e end.. e 2 who always goes; justin & dolly..
cant mak it..
met at cityhall..
st reached 1st..
den ck & his fren ernest..
den wen li..
aft tt went to ate at swensens..
hahah duno why my baked rice soooo longgg...
wen wenli's one didnt took tat long..
they all started eating liao..
except st and ernest waiting...
until mine came..
so nice hur..
ltr their food all cold liao lors..
den aft tt was deciding wat to do..
ponder ponder..
den went bowling..
hahaha bt i didnt play..
played 1 rd liao den kenneth came..
so they played another round..
and kenneth over ther secretly eatin a burger..
wa ck and ernest power sia in bowling..
den we went to esplande to tak grp pics..
st still climbed up e pole for better view..
den took train back wif wenli k and ernest..
cos wenli gg back ntu..
thou only a small num of us met up..
bt still its nice meetin each other once again (:
Aug 22, 2009
done wif 2nd wk of sch....
wasnt tt bad aft all.. hahah bt i did went to wrong classrm for mon's IT..
ther were 2 classrms so i went to first wan..
n saw it was so huge so tinkin sure wrong..
n quickly went to e other wan..
and e class was so full!!! ended up sittin infront..
bts its those lik circular tables..
my other grp mates are lik all same class for other lessons la..
nt lik me.. diff classmates diff mod..
so wierd..
n IT was makin me fallin alslp..
aft sch parents came to fetch me..
went airport to send bro n winnie off..
oh li wen is same class as me for blaw n comm.
so not so bad.. went to class wif her..
n her fren polly was my classmate for fmgt :)
she recognised me first..
den chunhui n yeling same for fmgt too!!
so they lead e way to class aft lec..
if nt i sure lost..
frm north to south spine..
in class ther was tis exchange student..
she's frm sweden!!!
so qiao..
my bro juz went over n she came over..
thou diff uni la..
on a lighter note,
i bot my new laptop!!!
fujitsu :)
hope it wont go ku-ku lik my acer..
e model i bot only had black..
so no white :(
n its heaver than my acer :(
finally cleared all e admin stuffs tt i had to do..
collect matric card, buy lap, collect clicker..
n went wif yu to safra k again durin 1st day of sch..
kena addicted by e new features...
bt so stupid..
e songs we recorded had some prob sending..
maganed to send some only..
hahahahah.. so funny..
oh n caught GI joe wif teng qing on wed ..
went to shaw er tower plaza?
hahaha i seriously will lost my way..
if we were to meet ther straight..
lucky he went novena mrt meet me..
was supposed to walk over bt..
we were quite late le so took bus..
fri went drivin aft a long time..
since erm.. 3rd aug?
hahaha ...
juz hope i pass my test at 1st attempt!!
AND finally i can ..
change e fonts n colours n stuffs..
cuz new lap!!
bt yea bt ther's smth so dumb..
e mircosoft office OSS..
so i cant print n view stuffs yet.
hope dey faster hav stock..
call me so i can collect n install..
Aug 14, 2009
1st wk of sch dw..
only 3 days :)
cuz mon was p.h
n fri is my off day :D
1st wk still quite slack la..
tue only went acc lec..
wed comm. fund..
thur blaw lec..
tts all :P
oh on tue aft sch met shingyee n pehzhi..
only got fmgt tb frm dem..
cuz e rest diff :(
went to c their hall..
hahah nice n cosy hall 13
den went hm put dw..
went jp met yu for pepperlunch..
n off we went to K!!!
haha :) :) :)
n erm.. thur went jp again at nite..
to watch movie wif ck..
hahaha tq had to stay back for fyp..
so didnt came..
Aug 7, 2009
confused ....
went for nbs welcome day today..
e lights up procession tink was kinda cool..
bt funny too..
we were supposed to on our torches..
row by row..
bt smwher out ther..
we saw a bunch of lites lid up suddenly..
in a mess...
den aft lunch..
we split into our tut grps..
bt juz nw i went to c edventure..
n realised lik..
those tut mates i met earlier were only in my acct mod.
den e other mod. all diff classmates lik tt..
oo. tis is so wierd..
and and!!!
e most impt tink..
i juz realised tt e venue written in e timetable hor..
i duno how to read leh..
whowhat/where is e classrm sia??????
question mark question mark..
n aft hearin wat chun hui said abt acct 1..
i was tempted n askin myself y didnt i..
chose to b exempted frm it..
i was tinkin mayb it cld serve as a refresher for mi..
since i duno if i'm still sure i rmb my acct !!
hahah bt ..
haiz i duno..
i asked peh zhi..
she said shing yee say its ok de..
to contd wif acct2 w/o acct1..
hahaha.. so she told me to email e person..
i tried..
duno can anot..
if cant den nvm..
oh ya!! n i duno y i didnt had my matric card la..
still had to sent out an email ..
reminds me of my time at attachment..
kept havin to send emails..
those of more "official" kinds i mean..
on a lighter note,
i caught Overheard ytd wif soon teck..
he treated me for everytink..
movie, snack, dinner..
lol he didnt want to go dutch..
so.. thank you! and..
i shall juz treat him another time if possible..
yep its a hk movie!!!
hahaha yea i wanted to watch it..
wif e main issue being it a hk film..
hahaha.. bt bt..
e ending wasnt good..
daniel wu n louis koo died..
n ther wasnt much hk sceney for my eyes to feast on..
cuz mostly it was taken place in tis buildin..
which was their wkplace or houses..
e lights up procession tink was kinda cool..
bt funny too..
we were supposed to on our torches..
row by row..
bt smwher out ther..
we saw a bunch of lites lid up suddenly..
in a mess...
den aft lunch..
we split into our tut grps..
bt juz nw i went to c edventure..
n realised lik..
those tut mates i met earlier were only in my acct mod.
den e other mod. all diff classmates lik tt..
oo. tis is so wierd..
and and!!!
e most impt tink..
i juz realised tt e venue written in e timetable hor..
i duno how to read leh..
question mark question mark..
n aft hearin wat chun hui said abt acct 1..
i was tempted n askin myself y didnt i..
chose to b exempted frm it..
i was tinkin mayb it cld serve as a refresher for mi..
since i duno if i'm still sure i rmb my acct !!
hahah bt ..
haiz i duno..
i asked peh zhi..
she said shing yee say its ok de..
to contd wif acct2 w/o acct1..
hahaha.. so she told me to email e person..
i tried..
duno can anot..
if cant den nvm..
oh ya!! n i duno y i didnt had my matric card la..
still had to sent out an email ..
reminds me of my time at attachment..
kept havin to send emails..
those of more "official" kinds i mean..
on a lighter note,
i caught Overheard ytd wif soon teck..
he treated me for everytink..
movie, snack, dinner..
lol he didnt want to go dutch..
so.. thank you! and..
i shall juz treat him another time if possible..
yep its a hk movie!!!
hahaha yea i wanted to watch it..
wif e main issue being it a hk film..
hahaha.. bt bt..
e ending wasnt good..
daniel wu n louis koo died..
n ther wasnt much hk sceney for my eyes to feast on..
cuz mostly it was taken place in tis buildin..
which was their wkplace or houses..
Aug 6, 2009
oo i just realised...
tt day on e flyer wif chi..
ther was oso a family ther..
speakin cantonsese!! haha..
both times i went..
both time oso met hk ppl :)
tt day on e flyer wif chi..
ther was oso a family ther..
speakin cantonsese!! haha..
both times i went..
both time oso met hk ppl :)
Aug 5, 2009
flyer flyer flyer.. n xue-ping!!
~~~ wao tis is quite a long entry ~~~ (n i still cant change to colour)haha
last wed, went for drving aft 2 wks of gap..
n n i really got worse at my skills..
hahahaha!!! i made such a late right turnin..
it was huge k!! haha so dumb..
den it was lik my last requirement for e PT le..
finished all 5 stages..
but i still haven book my test..
coz i only knew my timetable on fri..
bt now tt i know alrd,
e electives still are unknown..
i'm nt sure whether ther is tt day which i'm free..
coz for now i've no sch on fri..
based on e timetable i got..
hopefully i can tak my UE on tue or wed..
so i can at least go for lessons on mon or fri..
n mayb book my test on fri?
really wan to faster get over wif drivin..
its drainin my money!!!
last thur met chi aft her sch..
went to took e sg flyer..
student promo at 10 bucks..
wen we went up was still bright..
bt wen we're dw..
its dark..
sort of managed to tak a glimpse of sunset..
den tryin hard to tak pics at e rainforest discovery..
coz it was really dark..
off for popeyes dinner..
we ate lik an hour!!
coz it was so filling..
took more pics at e bridge..
den took bus..
chatted n laugh quite alot...
coz i was tokin nonsense :x
hmm den sat went imm..
as usual..
n nth much..
sun met congkai aft his church..
didnt c him for so long!!
hmm tink since grandioso 3 concert?
so went orch for a movie..
ate some snacks while waitin for e movie..
den walked ard orch..
he really doesnt mind gg into gal's clothing shops..
n juz taggin behind me lor..
but i've nth to buy..
coz all lik exp..
hahaha so went to c his instead..
bt in e end we both didnt bot anytink..
had soup spoon for dinner..
n was really full..
walked over to far east..
to find out tt their shops are mostly closed liao..
so we went to tak 105 instead lor..
lucky got bus at far east..
juz nice :)
mon drivin..
n my nxt is lik on e 18th?
oh no.. more than 2 wks gap again...
tue met yu aft her drving..
n we went to tak e flyer..
yea, again!!
on e way ther, in e bus..
we were playin wif her hp game..
some jumpin/runnin tink..
n it got quite exciting..
we were lik gettin high on e bus..
n "shouted" afew times..
went to e "forest" tak pics again..
wif her new hp..
8.1 mp too..
same as my cam..
n in order to tak e "waterfall"..
we went to moved e bench to e other side..
so tt we cld use it as a "tripod"
hahahaha... it was heavy k!!
we had lunch at popeyes..
yep again too..
bt tis time we were smarter..
we ordered 1 chicken combo..
and another 2 pcs chicken only..
e qty was juz right :P
off for our flight..
n n we were lik keep gg in n out of e toilet..
coz we were waitin for e other ppl infront..
to board e capsule 1st..
coz we were hopin to hav a capsule by ourselves.
bt keep on hav other comin in frm behind..
so aft for duno how long..
we juz decided to go lor..
in e end we were tgt wif 3 other hong-kongers..
n a couple..
it was defn lesser ppl than thur..
so we were able to tak more pics wif both of us inside :D
e whole cabin kept hearin tt 3 hk gals talkin only..
it made me felt lik i was back in hk!!
haha i'm hallucinating again..
off we went to somerset..
coz she haven been to orch central..
juz walked ard lor..
nth much..
we took pics more instead..
went to had gelare..
cuz its tue!! :)
waffle plus 2 ice-cream = 9.90
den walked to wisma ther..
bot a dress n top..
haahhaha.. we both went to try e exact same clothings!!
den to ion..
we walked until v tired..
went to sat at somewher at lvl 2 ther..
den tinkin of wher to go nxt..
juz as we decided to left n went dw e escalator..
saw my bro n his gf on e escalator in e other direction too..
lolx..he still went to "grab" my shoppin bag..
so.. we went to xin wang hk cafe..
we were so full bt thristy..
so ordered a drink n snow ice..
took lik hrs to conquer tt mountain..
so huge.. hahaha.. n we got so cold frm e ice..
was still early lik 7 plus..
so we took train to bugis st..
n we bot 2 exact same tops bt diff colour..
10 bucks each..
n den i finally got my grey jeans..
hahaha.. 29 bucks..
i had to withdraw money twice la..
hahaha.. i really spent quite alot man!
nvm la oso not always lik tat..
so hee.. n den we went back bugis junction..
bot same hp pouch too..
left ard 9..
n listened to our "music" on mrt..
hahaha.. quite hilarious!!!
p/s: tis whole day reminds me of e time we were back in hk.. as toursits(gg flyer).. wif cantonese ard u(in e flyer).. eatin in a hk cafe(xin wang hk cafe).. shoppin wif bags here n ther on ur hand(bugis st).. spendin e whole day tgt(10-10).. hahaha..
hope we can go holi tgt once again soon!!!
last wed, went for drving aft 2 wks of gap..
n n i really got worse at my skills..
hahahaha!!! i made such a late right turnin..
it was huge k!! haha so dumb..
den it was lik my last requirement for e PT le..
finished all 5 stages..
but i still haven book my test..
coz i only knew my timetable on fri..
bt now tt i know alrd,
e electives still are unknown..
i'm nt sure whether ther is tt day which i'm free..
coz for now i've no sch on fri..
based on e timetable i got..
hopefully i can tak my UE on tue or wed..
so i can at least go for lessons on mon or fri..
n mayb book my test on fri?
really wan to faster get over wif drivin..
its drainin my money!!!
last thur met chi aft her sch..
went to took e sg flyer..
student promo at 10 bucks..
wen we went up was still bright..
bt wen we're dw..
its dark..
sort of managed to tak a glimpse of sunset..
den tryin hard to tak pics at e rainforest discovery..
coz it was really dark..
off for popeyes dinner..
we ate lik an hour!!
coz it was so filling..
took more pics at e bridge..
den took bus..
chatted n laugh quite alot...
coz i was tokin nonsense :x
hmm den sat went imm..
as usual..
n nth much..
sun met congkai aft his church..
didnt c him for so long!!
hmm tink since grandioso 3 concert?
so went orch for a movie..
ate some snacks while waitin for e movie..
den walked ard orch..
he really doesnt mind gg into gal's clothing shops..
n juz taggin behind me lor..
but i've nth to buy..
coz all lik exp..
hahaha so went to c his instead..
bt in e end we both didnt bot anytink..
had soup spoon for dinner..
n was really full..
walked over to far east..
to find out tt their shops are mostly closed liao..
so we went to tak 105 instead lor..
lucky got bus at far east..
juz nice :)
mon drivin..
n my nxt is lik on e 18th?
oh no.. more than 2 wks gap again...
tue met yu aft her drving..
n we went to tak e flyer..
yea, again!!
on e way ther, in e bus..
we were playin wif her hp game..
some jumpin/runnin tink..
n it got quite exciting..
we were lik gettin high on e bus..
n "shouted" afew times..
went to e "forest" tak pics again..
wif her new hp..
8.1 mp too..
same as my cam..
n in order to tak e "waterfall"..
we went to moved e bench to e other side..
so tt we cld use it as a "tripod"
hahahaha... it was heavy k!!
we had lunch at popeyes..
yep again too..
bt tis time we were smarter..
we ordered 1 chicken combo..
and another 2 pcs chicken only..
e qty was juz right :P
off for our flight..
n n we were lik keep gg in n out of e toilet..
coz we were waitin for e other ppl infront..
to board e capsule 1st..
coz we were hopin to hav a capsule by ourselves.
bt keep on hav other comin in frm behind..
so aft for duno how long..
we juz decided to go lor..
in e end we were tgt wif 3 other hong-kongers..
n a couple..
it was defn lesser ppl than thur..
so we were able to tak more pics wif both of us inside :D
e whole cabin kept hearin tt 3 hk gals talkin only..
it made me felt lik i was back in hk!!
haha i'm hallucinating again..
off we went to somerset..
coz she haven been to orch central..
juz walked ard lor..
nth much..
we took pics more instead..
went to had gelare..
cuz its tue!! :)
waffle plus 2 ice-cream = 9.90
den walked to wisma ther..
bot a dress n top..
haahhaha.. we both went to try e exact same clothings!!
den to ion..
we walked until v tired..
went to sat at somewher at lvl 2 ther..
den tinkin of wher to go nxt..
juz as we decided to left n went dw e escalator..
saw my bro n his gf on e escalator in e other direction too..
lolx..he still went to "grab" my shoppin bag..
so.. we went to xin wang hk cafe..
we were so full bt thristy..
so ordered a drink n snow ice..
took lik hrs to conquer tt mountain..
so huge.. hahaha.. n we got so cold frm e ice..
was still early lik 7 plus..
so we took train to bugis st..
n we bot 2 exact same tops bt diff colour..
10 bucks each..
n den i finally got my grey jeans..
hahaha.. 29 bucks..
i had to withdraw money twice la..
hahaha.. i really spent quite alot man!
nvm la oso not always lik tat..
so hee.. n den we went back bugis junction..
bot same hp pouch too..
left ard 9..
n listened to our "music" on mrt..
hahaha.. quite hilarious!!!
p/s: tis whole day reminds me of e time we were back in hk.. as toursits(gg flyer).. wif cantonese ard u(in e flyer).. eatin in a hk cafe(xin wang hk cafe).. shoppin wif bags here n ther on ur hand(bugis st).. spendin e whole day tgt(10-10).. hahaha..
hope we can go holi tgt once again soon!!!
Aug 1, 2009
smth wrong wif my blogger??
how cum cant attach pics..
n change e font's colours..
i'm such a blog dummy..
haha =X
n change e font's colours..
i'm such a blog dummy..
haha =X
Jul 28, 2009
k-time again :) and cycling !!
last tue met for lunch wif joyce n tian hao..
aft eatin thai xpress..
we juz last min decided to go sentosa cycle..
haha :)
b4 tt we went for a round of arcade games 1st..
cldnt pass e 2nd round of basketball :(
off to sentosa by sky train..
n e sun was seriously HUGE..
we cycled along e beaches for an hr..
n thruout e sun was happily lying ther on top..
bt luckily it was windy..
and and..
we saw NBS ppl ther..
tink they were havin thier orientation camp..
i cld hav been ther if i applied..
its nice to b cycling !!
wed went shoppin wif steffi..
bot 3 shoes.. bt 1 was for chi la..
she oso bot 1 pair..
it was lik a "shoes" day..haha!!
n cam-whored in e toilet..
haha in e cubicle itself too!!
fri met chi for dinner..
cos she was craving for pepperlunch..
n she JUST made in on time..
for e student meal..
cos its till 5pm only..
phew!!! its much cheaper lor..
lucky :)
sat went orch wif parents..
visited e new ion..
hmm still not really complete la..
all e shoppin lik branded..
mostly la..
wat attracts me most i tink is e food lor..
e place wher lots of small food jap/korean fd stalls..
n ther's dunkin donuts which has a long queue 4ever..
sun aft prayin popo's death anni..
went lunch at unlce's place..
n den to vivo..
bot a windbreaker n bag :)
last day of GSS too..
n ytd met yu for K!!
aft her drivin..
e main purpose was actully to go ntu..
collect my ezlink..
asked her to accompany me :)
brought her to try e mr bean..
green tea soya icecream..
walked ard lik crazy in ntu..
finidin e student services centre..
den aft tt walk walk walk to broadway fdcourt..
cos of e aircon ther!! haha
e price is lik in poly..
or even cheaper i tink? :)
den we juz tot of gg to e new kbox..
at jurong safra..
sang happily till 7pm..
e 60s decorations along e corridor is kinda cool..
aft eatin thai xpress..
we juz last min decided to go sentosa cycle..
haha :)
b4 tt we went for a round of arcade games 1st..
cldnt pass e 2nd round of basketball :(
off to sentosa by sky train..
n e sun was seriously HUGE..
we cycled along e beaches for an hr..
n thruout e sun was happily lying ther on top..
bt luckily it was windy..
and and..
we saw NBS ppl ther..
tink they were havin thier orientation camp..
i cld hav been ther if i applied..
its nice to b cycling !!
wed went shoppin wif steffi..
bot 3 shoes.. bt 1 was for chi la..
she oso bot 1 pair..
it was lik a "shoes" day..haha!!
n cam-whored in e toilet..
haha in e cubicle itself too!!
fri met chi for dinner..
cos she was craving for pepperlunch..
n she JUST made in on time..
for e student meal..
cos its till 5pm only..
phew!!! its much cheaper lor..
lucky :)
sat went orch wif parents..
visited e new ion..
hmm still not really complete la..
all e shoppin lik branded..
mostly la..
wat attracts me most i tink is e food lor..
e place wher lots of small food jap/korean fd stalls..
n ther's dunkin donuts which has a long queue 4ever..
sun aft prayin popo's death anni..
went lunch at unlce's place..
n den to vivo..
bot a windbreaker n bag :)
last day of GSS too..
n ytd met yu for K!!
aft her drivin..
e main purpose was actully to go ntu..
collect my ezlink..
asked her to accompany me :)
brought her to try e mr bean..
green tea soya icecream..
walked ard lik crazy in ntu..
finidin e student services centre..
den aft tt walk walk walk to broadway fdcourt..
cos of e aircon ther!! haha
e price is lik in poly..
or even cheaper i tink? :)
den we juz tot of gg to e new kbox..
at jurong safra..
sang happily till 7pm..
e 60s decorations along e corridor is kinda cool..
Jul 18, 2009
movie & dramas..
last sat went to celebrate yu's 20th bday!!!
met her ard 10 to eat her wanton noodle..
bt we were still late.. wen reach ther..
e stall she liked was closing :(
so jiang jiu yi xia..
ate another stall's wan..
den went JP..
bot my pencil case..
drank starbuck's Dark Cherry mocha..
nice :D
chat, played games, wandered ard..
den went singin wif wah n chi too @ 2pm..
at boon lay sc..
haha not bad sia e pricing..
had mac den to vivo..
to mak her woof woof :)
spents over 12 hrs wif her !!!
hahaha.. lovely!!
sun acc chi to cosplay @ downtown east..
ate superdog & mac..
find e cinnamon melts v sweet.. too sweet...
nth much @ whitesands..
still i tink i dun really know how to appreciate it..
hahaha.. its nice bt juz lik not smth i'll "wao" over..
e competition part was nice tho..
thur yu's off..
coz she now indep.
so only 5 day wk:)
so went to caught Harry Potter..
aft havin Bento Box ..
it has havin 25% discount..
den we bot e wizard combo..
coz she wanted e wizard cup..
hahaha.. so i took e potion cookin lik pot...
end up didnt had a chance to drink..
e o-cha drinks we bot..
n aft 我的億萬麵包 last week..
was 無敵珊寶妹..
haha e part wher canto is mixed inside e show..
maks it lik sort of a kind of hk drama effect..
n its v funny.. wif a happy ending:)
tinkin of turnin to 幸福的抉擇 now..
hope its nice..
oh oh n i watched Twilight juz nw too..
haha lik finally !!!
p/s: wah jia you in ur studies!!! chiong for ur As ah....
chi jia you in gettin over tat issue no matter how long it taks!! :)
harry potter n e half blood prince, twilight, 幸福的抉擇, 我的億萬麵包, 無敵珊寶妹,
met her ard 10 to eat her wanton noodle..
bt we were still late.. wen reach ther..
e stall she liked was closing :(
so jiang jiu yi xia..
ate another stall's wan..
den went JP..
bot my pencil case..
drank starbuck's Dark Cherry mocha..
nice :D
chat, played games, wandered ard..
den went singin wif wah n chi too @ 2pm..
at boon lay sc..
haha not bad sia e pricing..
had mac den to vivo..
to mak her woof woof :)
spents over 12 hrs wif her !!!
hahaha.. lovely!!
sun acc chi to cosplay @ downtown east..
ate superdog & mac..
find e cinnamon melts v sweet.. too sweet...
nth much @ whitesands..
still i tink i dun really know how to appreciate it..
hahaha.. its nice bt juz lik not smth i'll "wao" over..
e competition part was nice tho..
thur yu's off..
coz she now indep.
so only 5 day wk:)
so went to caught Harry Potter..
aft havin Bento Box ..
it has havin 25% discount..
den we bot e wizard combo..
coz she wanted e wizard cup..
hahaha.. so i took e potion cookin lik pot...
end up didnt had a chance to drink..
e o-cha drinks we bot..
n aft 我的億萬麵包 last week..
was 無敵珊寶妹..
haha e part wher canto is mixed inside e show..
maks it lik sort of a kind of hk drama effect..
n its v funny.. wif a happy ending:)
tinkin of turnin to 幸福的抉擇 now..
hope its nice..
oh oh n i watched Twilight juz nw too..
haha lik finally !!!
p/s: wah jia you in ur studies!!! chiong for ur As ah....
chi jia you in gettin over tat issue no matter how long it taks!! :)
harry potter n e half blood prince, twilight, 幸福的抉擇, 我的億萬麵包, 無敵珊寶妹,
Jul 6, 2009
不肥 + 跑步
fri aft driving wif yu..
went meet chi n off to seoul garden..
b4 tt went to hav bubble t @ rockery..
coz too hungry le :x
den started eating n eating at 12..
stopped in between to eat..
i practically took all e flavors..
YAM, mango, strawberry, vanilla..
haha yummy :)
den rest alittle n chat chat..
coz too full..
finally managed to finish e food..
n off we left at 345..
so bloated!!!!
till didnt had to eat dinner..
tons n tons of calories added..
so on sat..
we went to burn off e fats..
went joggin at jurong west sports complex..
e sun was superb hot..
i alrd woke at 730 wen my whole family..
r still happily slpin..
i den dun wanna wake at 6 lik gg drivin sia..
for 2.4 was cut short to 1.6 instead..
hahhaa.. e sun was seriously too scorching..
so went to shower n off for..
KFC breadfast :)
reminds me of e wan i had wif yu in hk !!!
bt lik taste differrent neh..
haha den to orch :)
went meet chi n off to seoul garden..
b4 tt went to hav bubble t @ rockery..
coz too hungry le :x
den started eating n eating at 12..
stopped in between to eat..
i practically took all e flavors..
YAM, mango, strawberry, vanilla..
haha yummy :)
den rest alittle n chat chat..
coz too full..
finally managed to finish e food..
n off we left at 345..
so bloated!!!!
till didnt had to eat dinner..
tons n tons of calories added..
so on sat..
we went to burn off e fats..
went joggin at jurong west sports complex..
e sun was superb hot..
i alrd woke at 730 wen my whole family..
r still happily slpin..
i den dun wanna wake at 6 lik gg drivin sia..
for 2.4 was cut short to 1.6 instead..
hahhaa.. e sun was seriously too scorching..
so went to shower n off for..
KFC breadfast :)
reminds me of e wan i had wif yu in hk !!!
bt lik taste differrent neh..
haha den to orch :)
Jun 30, 2009
love buffet..
done wif Hot Shot..
e endin lik let u guess lik tt..
duno aft li ying faint den?
n cant wait to c Love Buffet..
it has arron :)
n darren hoh frm spore !!
cool man
e endin lik let u guess lik tt..
duno aft li ying faint den?
n cant wait to c Love Buffet..
it has arron :)
n darren hoh frm spore !!
cool man
Jun 27, 2009
wooottttss :P
haha yea!!!
someone really bot my slot le..
thank u so much to whoever..
haha i can slp nicely le tonite..
back to Hot Shot :)
someone really bot my slot le..
thank u so much to whoever..
haha i can slp nicely le tonite..
back to Hot Shot :)
can someone buy my slot NOW pls...
pls pls.. can someone faster buy my tml's slot..
i dun wanna travel all e way to bbdc..
alone at 7am on a SUNDAY..
while my whole family will still b in..
(oso duno can i wake up anot
its been ages since i hav to wake to early)
will someone pity me.. *-*
please please please..
someone buy my 8am drvin slot tml quickly..
so i can go to slp wif a peaceful mind:)
i dun wanna travel all e way to bbdc..
alone at 7am on a SUNDAY..
while my whole family will still b in..
(oso duno can i wake up anot
its been ages since i hav to wake to early)
will someone pity me.. *-*
please please please..
someone buy my 8am drvin slot tml quickly..
so i can go to slp wif a peaceful mind:)
Jun 25, 2009
Jun 14, 2009
fulfilling week..
finally caught on tue..
and went lookin for chi's sports shoe..
off to bugis n bot our shorts..
i shld hav tried it..
its too loose!!! hahaha..
wed went to tried e karaoke..
at bugis..
hmm not bad la.. v worth it man..
we sang frm 12 till 6 for $16 nett..
wif free flow of drinks..
n their cups are huge..
good, dun nd to keep askin for refill..

e atmosphere quite cool too..
can set u wan disco, stage or diff lightnings..
see e changing lights under e table
juz tt ther is no remote ctrl..
only a central choosin station..
tt's stuck in front of e tv..

and a small fixed to e wall controller..
BUT ther was a v strong cigarette smell..
though its a no-smoking area..
other than tt its good..
haha had lots of fun :D
n den went to jvs e 2.4 route..
to jog.. she wanted to prepare for her napfa..
haha bt in e end only she ran..
coz of the bulky bags we had..
so i ended up lookin aft e bags instead..
fri met at imm coz i need to tak those passport pic..
so went to used those machine..
off to cd-rama, mini toons, daiso etc..
aft meeting my agenda..
went to coffee club n chilled..

my banana butterscotch latte
chi's toffeenut cappucino

both oso v sweettt...
was so sleepy n wanted to find a place..
to rest while waitin for time to pass..
coz chi meetin her fren at 530..
they were supposed to tak e flyer..
got student offer at 10 bucks..
bt my current student card nt valid le :(
who knows they last min cancelled e outin..
we cam-whored ther n chat chat chat..
rest of the pics in chi's cam..
these were taken wif my hp..
till dunno wen.. den walked ard till 6-7 plus..
shld hav gone joggin at her place..
since she not meetin yh le..
startin my drivin lessons soon..
yu went for hers on fri n told me its so fun!!
hahaha.. hope mine will be too :)
n currently i'm finishin <巴黎戀人>
next shall be <肥田喜事>
and went lookin for chi's sports shoe..
off to bugis n bot our shorts..
i shld hav tried it..
its too loose!!! hahaha..
wed went to tried e karaoke..
at bugis..
hmm not bad la.. v worth it man..
we sang frm 12 till 6 for $16 nett..
wif free flow of drinks..
n their cups are huge..
good, dun nd to keep askin for refill..
e atmosphere quite cool too..
can set u wan disco, stage or diff lightnings..
juz tt ther is no remote ctrl..
only a central choosin station..
tt's stuck in front of e tv..
and a small fixed to e wall controller..
BUT ther was a v strong cigarette smell..
though its a no-smoking area..
other than tt its good..
haha had lots of fun :D
n den went to jvs e 2.4 route..
to jog.. she wanted to prepare for her napfa..
haha bt in e end only she ran..
coz of the bulky bags we had..
so i ended up lookin aft e bags instead..
fri met at imm coz i need to tak those passport pic..
so went to used those machine..
off to cd-rama, mini toons, daiso etc..
aft meeting my agenda..
went to coffee club n chilled..

both oso v sweettt...
was so sleepy n wanted to find a place..
to rest while waitin for time to pass..
coz chi meetin her fren at 530..
they were supposed to tak e flyer..
got student offer at 10 bucks..
bt my current student card nt valid le :(
who knows they last min cancelled e outin..
we cam-whored ther n chat chat chat..
rest of the pics in chi's cam..
these were taken wif my hp..
till dunno wen.. den walked ard till 6-7 plus..
shld hav gone joggin at her place..
since she not meetin yh le..
startin my drivin lessons soon..
yu went for hers on fri n told me its so fun!!
hahaha.. hope mine will be too :)
n currently i'm finishin <巴黎戀人>
next shall be <肥田喜事>
Jun 3, 2009
hello new phoney=)
May 30, 2009
oh and passed ftt too..=)
ate swensens wif yu..
wander ard jp..
found a new pretty sony phone..
developed pics..
yami yoghurt..
ate swensens wif yu..
wander ard jp..
found a new pretty sony phone..
developed pics..
yami yoghurt..
May 28, 2009
juz finished E.U & saw e "new" ending online too..
ok la at least sort of happy ending lor..
except 立文&悠悠 ba..
bt all police are still police.. haha
ok la at least sort of happy ending lor..
except 立文&悠悠 ba..
bt all police are still police.. haha
May 23, 2009
正在看兩部警察的戲﹐ 都是sequel來的-- 學警雄心 (1st sequel) 和 學警狙擊(3rd sequel)。
裡面有個演員他在兩部局的角色是完全不一樣的人。 一個是警校教練而另外是黑色會老大。 頭頭看的時候有時會弄亂他們兩。
正在看兩部警察的戲﹐ 都是sequel來的-- 學警雄心 (1st sequel) 和 學警狙擊(3rd sequel)。
裡面有個演員他在兩部局的角色是完全不一樣的人。 一個是警校教練而另外是黑色會老大。 頭頭看的時候有時會弄亂他們兩。
May 15, 2009
cinnamoroll =)
tt time yu n i purposedly went to eat happy meal..
in hk juz to get this..

den abt a mth ago realised sg is havin it too..
wanted to lik collect all bt so diff..
haha always dun hav or hav e same stuff..
mayb wen we knew it..
it has alrd started quite some time..
shall c den how.. lol
so so far only 3.

bt at least we managed to get wat we wanted..
since wen we were in hk..which is THIS..

* e other 2 i forgot to tak dem wif their lites*
oh yea n tis is e...
green tea tiramisu i made last nite..

kept using e mixer whisk whisk whisk..
tink usin e cottage cheese as substitute still not tt gd..
coz e lumps are hard to mix till smooth..
bt u wan save money den lik tat lor..
in hk juz to get this..
den abt a mth ago realised sg is havin it too..
wanted to lik collect all bt so diff..
haha always dun hav or hav e same stuff..
mayb wen we knew it..
it has alrd started quite some time..
shall c den how.. lol
so so far only 3.
bt at least we managed to get wat we wanted..
since wen we were in hk..which is THIS..
* e other 2 i forgot to tak dem wif their lites*
oh yea n tis is e...
green tea tiramisu i made last nite..
kept using e mixer whisk whisk whisk..
tink usin e cottage cheese as substitute still not tt gd..
coz e lumps are hard to mix till smooth..
bt u wan save money den lik tat lor..
May 14, 2009
i've graduated !!!
on tue was my grad day..
met steffi & gaya @ makan pl..
den rushed off to LT aft gaya came..
so lame needa report an hr earlier..
aft gg over 2 convention oso juz sat ther..
den sit ther keep clappin..lol
finally aft e acc, bfs & bit ppl..
den our turn..
n juz realised tt xavien gt tak pic for mi..
aft he tagged mi in fb..
hahah.. cuz tink he was in e front row..
daddy said too fast to capture a nice wan..
aft tt had a hard time finding dem..
as it was so crowded..
den took pics ard till lik 7pm..
rtn e gown n off to vivo..
was so hungry but..
went to collect back my dad's hp 1st..
i wanna hav ice-cream so off to swensens/eargle..
den on mon daddy's on off..
coz of e vesek day's p.h
so went wif daddy & kor to imm..
ate @ secret recipe aft seeing such a long queue..
at swensens..
juz as i was eating den my bro moved his head..
n i saw at e table behind was haiqal..
haha so qiao..
den aft tt roam ard..
went popular c c ..
went collect mummy n my jeans..
came hm.. feed my workers on rest. city..
n off to west coast mac..
haha coz i wanted to mac cafe..
ordered himalayan tea latte & daddy's flat white..
mine tasted lik hotcakes those maple syrup..
den sat ther n played pictionary..
till winnie came..
dey had their choc frappe..
den off we went seperate ways..
~~~~~~~~~~HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY~~~~~~~~~~~
oh on mother's day..
we went to toa payoh temple..
for my grandpa's death anni too..
n was rainin super de heavy..
wif accidents here n ther along e expressway..
aft tt off for buffet..
ate until so full =Z
went shoppin ard in centrept & og..
den ate korean fd for dinner..
n came hm tak pics..
gav mummy her lancome manifique perfume..
bot wif steffi last tue..
aft hav e ftt evaluation last fri..
den i've juz been slackin daily..
wif laptop on almost thruout e hrs i'm awake..
haha.. either playin rest. city..
or watchin hk drama..
juz finished a couple of dem..
and coincidentally most were period shows..
<少年四大名捕> hav 4 shuai ge in it=)
watch <东山飘雨西关晴> & <凤凰四重奏> wif my parents..
and also <无名天使3D> & <与敌同行>..
haha now chasing er.. <迎妻接福>..
which is also filmed in olden times..
n aft tis shall b..
hahah life is good wif shows=P
and here r some photos taken wif yu..
b4 our actual grad coz ours r on diff days..

met steffi & gaya @ makan pl..
den rushed off to LT aft gaya came..
so lame needa report an hr earlier..
aft gg over 2 convention oso juz sat ther..
den sit ther keep clappin..lol
finally aft e acc, bfs & bit ppl..
den our turn..
n juz realised tt xavien gt tak pic for mi..
aft he tagged mi in fb..
hahah.. cuz tink he was in e front row..
daddy said too fast to capture a nice wan..
aft tt had a hard time finding dem..
as it was so crowded..
den took pics ard till lik 7pm..
rtn e gown n off to vivo..
was so hungry but..
went to collect back my dad's hp 1st..
i wanna hav ice-cream so off to swensens/eargle..
den on mon daddy's on off..
coz of e vesek day's p.h
so went wif daddy & kor to imm..
ate @ secret recipe aft seeing such a long queue..
at swensens..
juz as i was eating den my bro moved his head..
n i saw at e table behind was haiqal..
haha so qiao..
den aft tt roam ard..
went popular c c ..
went collect mummy n my jeans..
came hm.. feed my workers on rest. city..
n off to west coast mac..
haha coz i wanted to mac cafe..
ordered himalayan tea latte & daddy's flat white..
mine tasted lik hotcakes those maple syrup..
den sat ther n played pictionary..
till winnie came..
dey had their choc frappe..
den off we went seperate ways..
~~~~~~~~~~HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY~~~~~~~~~~~
oh on mother's day..
we went to toa payoh temple..
for my grandpa's death anni too..
n was rainin super de heavy..
wif accidents here n ther along e expressway..
aft tt off for buffet..
ate until so full =Z
went shoppin ard in centrept & og..
den ate korean fd for dinner..
n came hm tak pics..
gav mummy her lancome manifique perfume..
bot wif steffi last tue..
aft hav e ftt evaluation last fri..
den i've juz been slackin daily..
wif laptop on almost thruout e hrs i'm awake..
haha.. either playin rest. city..
or watchin hk drama..
juz finished a couple of dem..
and coincidentally most were period shows..
<少年四大名捕> hav 4 shuai ge in it=)
watch <东山飘雨西关晴> & <凤凰四重奏> wif my parents..
and also <无名天使3D> & <与敌同行>..
haha now chasing er.. <迎妻接福>..
which is also filmed in olden times..
n aft tis shall b
hahah life is good wif shows=P
and here r some photos taken wif yu..
b4 our actual grad coz ours r on diff days..
May 4, 2009
met yu & chi last mon..
to collect e grad gown..
luckily listened to yu..
& went earlier..
coz e dimensions given nt accurate wan..
lol.. so they gav us a size smaller instead=)
den ate subway in sch..
n off to clementi for bubble tea=P
wed off to xue-ping..
@ far east & bugis..
tho not much momey..
bot a shorts instead of shoe..
n randomness talks..
didnt had cinnamoroll @ e mac we went..
so ate pastamania n bubble tea..
i'm so bored of lookin @ e ftt bk =X
nvm nxt movie trips>> gu gu e cat & nite @ e museum II
to collect e grad gown..
luckily listened to yu..
& went earlier..
coz e dimensions given nt accurate wan..
lol.. so they gav us a size smaller instead=)
den ate subway in sch..
n off to clementi for bubble tea=P
wed off to xue-ping..
@ far east & bugis..
tho not much momey..
bot a shorts instead of shoe..
n randomness talks..
didnt had cinnamoroll @ e mac we went..
so ate pastamania n bubble tea..
i'm so bored of lookin @ e ftt bk =X
nvm nxt movie trips>> gu gu e cat & nite @ e museum II
Apr 21, 2009
bakin tml.....
last fri was chi's last day at itp..
hahah she only wana work..
dun wan sch le..lol..
so aft work went to watch..
e sniper @ marina..
e seats at hall 1 is comfy..
e leg room is huge tat i can stretch my legs..
e seats are huge tat i can cross my legs..
den walkin ard aimlessly in marina..
to suntec.. to citylink..
n chat chat chat..
den chi decided to bake smth..
for her colleagues..
wen she's gg back on wed..
so ytd met aft her sch..
went JP for early dinner..
finally she gets to eat her pizza hut=)
den off to ntuc xtra..
to get e bakin stuffs..
so concidental it was on offer somemore=P
n today was meant to b shoppin @ far east..
bt we changed our mind..
shall watch 17 Again instead..
shoppin another day=)
tata~~ cya soon=)
hahah she only wana work..
dun wan sch le..lol..
so aft work went to watch..
e sniper @ marina..
e seats at hall 1 is comfy..
e leg room is huge tat i can stretch my legs..
e seats are huge tat i can cross my legs..
den walkin ard aimlessly in marina..
to suntec.. to citylink..
n chat chat chat..
den chi decided to bake smth..
for her colleagues..
wen she's gg back on wed..
so ytd met aft her sch..
went JP for early dinner..
finally she gets to eat her pizza hut=)
den off to ntuc xtra..
to get e bakin stuffs..
so concidental it was on offer somemore=P
n today was meant to b shoppin @ far east..
bt we changed our mind..
shall watch 17 Again instead..
shoppin another day=)
tata~~ cya soon=)
Apr 17, 2009
Chocolatier III plus happiness=)
oh oh..
Chocolatier: Decadence by Design is so cool & fun!!!
lik a sequel of Chocolatier 1 & 2..
which i was super hooked onto it..
n needless to say..
so m i equally hooked onto it now..
la la la~~~
and and..
e letter i received ytd was superb!!
really made my day :)
(haha my dad's bday bt i oso gt "present")
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