Jul 29, 2006

woo hoo..i'm postin again..twice today..nthing to do lo..
i've juz done finish sam revision 2 lohz..its almost e same as e previous one..borin..tat time i spend 4 hrs..nw 1 hr..yeah!! dotz..coz its juz lik a repeat of some qns..n i've no distractions now..nobody to chat wif lo.. ok..its er.. 3 plus=) n i'm stil nt sleepy..power sia.. gona turn panda le..hahah...if my parents knew i'm stil awake dey wil tink i'm mad..lol wadever..
my laptop is gettin real hot..lousy la..poor tink..haha^.^ ok..i've decided to slp at 4am.. mak sure i do..
wa..realli nd start studyin for exams..e second paper is bmgt n its in less than a mth's time...n tat is e worse module for mi i guess..coz ther is so much to memorise lahz..
yeah..its nearin 4..oyasumi

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