1st session...
our target: the jam cookie..
e baked cookie wif nuts by e side.. (see e butter oil.. ah yo..)
then add some jam..
and... TA_TAH!!!
our packed cookie in boxes..
(wif pooh ice-cream maker @ e backgrd)
see pooh eating our cookie=)
Session 2...
forgot tak pics of our jam-drop cookie & fortune cookie..
bt can say our cookie better.. juz tat still a-little on e sweetttt side=)
bt e fortune cookie eh.. either too fast stick to e pan.. or too thin to be folded..
if nt if successful den v quickly bcum soft liao instead of bein crispy..
(lik lou-feng)
Session 3....
our target: some "pink lady" called strawberry sponge cake..
cake baking in progress...
meanwhile, prepared e whipped cream..
strawberry fillings...
cake baked!! BUT...
e centre part stuck to e tray.. mayb cuz haven cooled yet..=(
so started filling e cake.. n my dad kept laughin at our cake..
den.. not enuf whipped cream to cover e sides of e cake.. hahahaa..
half for each of us.. AND
packed in a box ready to go=)
will zai jie cai li=P