went popeyes & waited 4 chi..
we still like wrot her name on e huge paper..
n held up wen we saw her approachin..
hahah we "jie ji" ma=)
bt she didnt c!!! lol..
e chicken was soo small..
until like "chi bu guo ying" haha..
so went to drink mr bean=)
n took photos at e T2 "garden"..
n departure area.. chi come n "song ji" for us..
hahahaha.. (if only real)
den she went back work..
while we rot in airport for like.. 3&1/2 hr..
went viewin area..
went mac sit wif ronald..
folded paper aeroplane n played..
took skytrain to T3..
went to play some art stuffs..
stayed quite some time in candyempire..
went to sit see-saw @ playgrd..
went to eat snacks by e water feature..
went to sit in some kids ride..
went inside ntuc for fun..
went to sit n play hp games..
n finally we survived=P off to meet chi @ mrt..
went vivo..
n realised wah cant mak it=(
dey "qian jiu" me go eat superdog..
den brought me to "shen mi ti fang"..
hahaha da-dahh!!!
its buid-a-bear workshop la..
cldnt make up my mind wat to choose...
coz e dogs fur wasnt tt nice to touch..
in e end took e velvet bear..
nicest to hug & feel=)
pump it,wish it,brush it..
n had to do some funny actions for e bear's heart..
we 3 over ther do lik some little kids.. lol..
hahah.. n we put wah's share of heart in too..
den pondered over the various clothes..
keep changin & askin chi to tak pic..
of e bear's diff attire.. haha..
finally decided n off to..
mak her birth cert..
i wanted a name starin wif "w"..
n chi helped mi tot of "wency"...
similar to "wendy"=)
n my wency is born..
packed in her condo..
off to go..
its my birthday present frm dem=P

e flattened wency

mi & yu brushin wency..(bt can only c our hair)

choice 1.. (bathrobe)

choice 2 (like for cny)

choice 3.. (not so red)

ok choice 4 shall be it!!

wif hello kitty undies..& boots!!

oh.. wency graduate liao..

add a sunglass=)
e co-makers of wency..