appetiser sampler @ applebee

nachos w e appetiser

baby back ribs @ applebee

fish @ astons

salmon steak @ astons

apple crumble @ au petit salut

chicken @ au petit salut

creme brulee @ au petit salut

mushroom quiche @ au petit salut

mango pudding @ honeymoon dessert

gui fei chicken @ imperial treasure windows of hk

grilled chicken w cheese @ Italiannies

beef and chicken pizze @ Italiannies

red wine seared beef @ au petit salut

red grape shake @ Italiannies

apple cheese slice @ secret recipe

carrot cake @ vis a vis

roast pork @ vis a vis

clam chowder @ vis a vis
all my holidays yummy food wif daddy n mummy..
no more instant mee and pizza and pasta @ home..
but sch reopening again.. haiz..